Friday, December 31, 2010

OK....time to head home !

Wrapping it up !

With the New Year just around the corner, I thought I would wrap up the year with one last blog.

The weather outside is delightful,
but soon will become frightful
So, before it starts to snow
Let us go, let us go, let us go!

(cheesy...I know)

Had a caching day planned with Peanut...finally a day that we both had off, DaddyDan "volunteered" to babysit for the triplets...the winter storm warning was not going to take place until 4pm....the sun was we had plans.

Peanut made all the plans, leaving early again...trying to get some numbers. I text her in the morning....what is the dress code (she answers) stop and grab caches. Ok, that should answer all questions....but....not thinking it out thoroughly...I dress for the day.

Layers ( definitely) ... 2 hats ...(hey it is cold outside) gloves ( actually, the mittens, that lift up with the tops of the fingers exposed...need to actually touch the I-phone screen, to make it work) (definitely boots) with 2 pairs of socks....hate cold feet!) Decided NO to the coveralls (mistake!)

Peanut picks me up ( I do not drive in snow...effectively) I trudge out to the car, weighed down with clothing...geocaching supplies...snackies ( lots of !) ...water (Peanut can get dehydrated in the winter too...really she is always "preaching" that ) We fuel up and we are off. The day is mapped out, going down and over ( I think, that is right) 2 counties, and starting from there.

In hindsight, had I logically thought this through...Hmmm...a few days BEFORE Christmas...means the traffic "in town" would be if we are going for numbers...we are going "country"...with that comes ditches, "culverts" , unplowed roads. hindsight...we should have had coveralls!

By cache number 2, we were soaking! I know Peanut snapped a few of me up to my knees...literally stuck in the snow...and 1 ( or 2) of me lying on the ground. (Not that I fell or anything. mind you) I was a little fearful that they would make the logs, but realized they were taken with MY I-phone....(whew!)

We had a good day with numbers, actually stopped and had lunch. Ended up laughing our butts off, when we realized we were only 50ish feet from a cache. Oh ya, had to go back and get that one!

We had a "end time" in mind...but when the weather started getting sloppy, we thought we would start back...."after a couple more" ! ( Or, as we would say in my family ..."one more") I guess, it was when we saw cars sliding into stop signs and people in the ditches...that we came out of our caching gaze, and decided to head home. Now, we are only 2 counties away! And wouldn't you know, the weather man was wrong...The winter storm warning may begin at 4pm...but in WHAT county? LOL

Several hours later, we got home...unscathed! Of course, I was taking pics of the weather all the way home. You know, in case we didn't make it....everyone would know that we were "aware" of the conditions! And being true geocachers, we were hoping that someone would log our caches for us ( you know, just in case...want the numbers to be right at the eulogy) Peanut, having been a semi driver in her previous years ( has she not done everything!) had no sweat, as she is telling me "semi horror stories! And me...well I ( truly) was not worried...just someone feed the dogs ( oh and...log my caches !)

Oh and one last bit of wisdom...Cold, frozen fingers do not work on the I-Phone! Everyone have a great New Year!

Gotta Love it!

A "Team" of Geocachers came to the area yesterday! I do not know these people, but what a hoot! (Or at least they sound that way) I check my I-phone last night , love this new technology....ok, to me! And I see that I have "30- some" new e-mails. The team, it seems, must consist of at least 3 team members....all out on a cold winter day, trying to grab some caches.

I can say that the cold did not seem to affect their humor. Even when there was no "smiley" earned. As I sat reading the logs, I was picturing the whole thing...At least one of the 3....can not remember some of the caches....Hey ... that is me all over. You go to log on, and can not EVEN picture the cache, but you wrote it down as a find... so you must have found it...but what was it!?! Finally someone who admits it! The snow and cold weather seemed to be of a little of a hindrance ...Ha ha - can relate to that one too!

At one of the caches...a mouse came running out...and they end up writing it in the log...saying...and I quote " you guys are pros" (like I planned the mouse to come running out or something!) NOW that is funny! Yea me and mice!

I guess from the outside looking in... I am "looking" normal. But normal is just a setting on the dryer ! Pros...yea right....they must not be blog readers...and what you do not know... is that half the stuff that ends up being done, does not even make the blog... it is a "unless you were there you would never believe it" type of thing!

So a " pro" ... I am not....and neither am I normal...LOL...but after reading the logs, and looking up a picture they posted, there is one thing I DO know... You "guys" are not normal either! I recognize this!

Sounds like they had a great day of caching, great day of falling in snow, great day snapping pics and just being THAT is what geocaching is all about! You really, really Gotta Love it!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Holiday Tips

As The holidays approach...I wanted to pass these Holiday tips along to my Geocaching friends!


1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Holiday spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. It's rare... You cannot find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-alcoholic or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for me.. Have two. It's later than you think. It's Christmas!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy.. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat.

4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Holiday party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello?

6.. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple,
Pumpkin, Mincemeat. Have a slice of each. Or if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards.

10.. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Re-read tips; start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner. Remember this motto to live by:

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand and wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!" Have a great holiday season!!

Earth Cache # 2

Well, I think enough time has passed, (since submitting my "test" results on Earth cache #2....) that I must have passed.. The owner, to this date, has not pulled my "smiley" on the cache. So, I either passed, or he feels so sorry for me, that he is giving me the credit. Could be either way!

Earth cache #1, was pretty straight forward, I printed off the questions, got to the the kiosk, wrote the answers, took the picture, and I was done. BUT...If you remember, way back then, it was that caching day, that my Phone died, ( and I mean died!) My computer died...I had to drive to the geek squad store, get the phone reset to factory settings ....only to lose all my pictures ...including the mandatory Earth cache picture! What a fiasco ... getting credit for that cache!!

So, being brave, I attempt Earth CACHE #2... I forgot how fun it was going to be! LOL It was our day out with TN Chad...we tackle the Indian Caves. As with all the Earth Caches I have experienced ( that would be 2 total) you print out the questions, write some answers, and take a pic. How hard can this be? Really, do we need to ask?

The problem.....well, the answers are not on some actually have to know something about geology or whatever! Ya right! The owner, obviously, does not know me! But I gave it my best shot.

One of the questions, ask if you think the rock is harder or softer than some other rock...or something to that extent....Hmmmmm, as I am peering over the edge...Well, if I fall...and hit my head, I think it will be pretty hard. Ok...I have no idea! Can I google this?

Another question, wants you to figure how deep the caves are. Well, deep. I am thinking... pretty deep. I have no being, the good scout, I thought I would try to figure that out. In my brain, I thought if I did way point averaging, while I was at the bottom, and then did it at the top....It would tell me how far the 2 were from each other, and then I would know how deep it was. It was a thought....I am sure a wrong thought.....I obviously am not an expert on way point averaging, or even a "beginner" I am downright a newbie! It was just a thought...but when I did it, it said 2 feet! And I know it was deeper than 2 feet! (Well, the good news, of the 3 of us there, I was the only one who even knew the term waypoint averaging!)

I think there was a question about the stone being darker or lighter....well once again...clueless. I think we had limestone in a front garden whenI was growing up, it was like a little ledge where the tulips grew. I always thought it looked pretty white....unless it was wet, then it looked darker! Oh okay, we will guess on this one!

So, as you can tell I am not a geologist! And, I really did try to get the right answers. I know that if the owner knew me....He would agree that I should get credit for just showing up....not falling to climb out....and survive without something being broken! Earth Cache experiences, are really getting up there! Just because you are out Geocaching...does not mean that you know anything about nature and rocks and all that good stuff. Well, at least for me...I am still trying to figure out North from South. Thank Godness, the questions were not based on directions! Can you imagine..."facing North, tell me what....blah, blah....OMG I would still be down there!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

TN Chad

I survived the Thanksgiving binge! I survived the Tennessee clan! I survived....but barely.

Thanksgiving was the traditional..... up half the more food! And this year, once again, we added....Geocaching!

Chad ( nephew) came for the holiday bash...and wanted to give caching a try. Of course, it was freezing! And it always seems colder, when the winter season first starts. By February, we will think temps in the low 30 a heat wave, and we will be running around with just a sweatshirt on. But, it is early on, so we ( really, just me) dressed for the worse. Layers and layers.... hats, mittens, the whole 9 yards!

We set off about 11ish, I had checked weatherbug, and it told me, that the warmest part of the day, was going to be between noon and, that is what I plan. I hate cold! ( Notice in summer, I will put that I hate hot weather and ticks!....There is no making me happy)

We had tons of fun. No ticks! Did see 3 big deers ( or so they tell me...that they were big) Chad, definitely, not a slow learner. I, being the nice hostess, gave him the good GPS. We decided to do some hiking caches, first off, because Chad likes to hike, but secondly, I needed to walk off about 10 pounds of Thanksgiving food!

First cache...TN Chad ( name, seester and I gave him ) walks right up to the cache...and it has a TB in it! Actually it was a Geocoin, and unlike MY first Geocoin, I DID NOT just grab it out of his hand ( Uh....1st Sgt !)

He is a natural....or maybe he is just a guy, that has a sense of direction...either way, we found every a timely manner...3 travel bugs...12 caches....and a few sore butts!

The Indian caves were interesting. When we first got there, we all "looked down" and warned each other...."do not fall!" I managed to get down okay, and actually back up...and let the record show...No one had to do the whole...."butt push up" Of course, we were cracking up, and saying that we were glad, no one behind us, had a camera.

We celebrated the great day of caching...with more food and drink! So much, for the great calorie burner!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Turkey Earth Cache! ? ! Have a great Thanksgiving...Maybe we will run into each other on
the trails on friday!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

We broke the rules

We are NOT rule breakers....well I can't say that when I was younger, I was a "goody-two-shoes"... maybe a few minor, little, teeny one got hurt ... arrested... or even caught. I can't speak for Peanut (in her younger days)....but the point being...Today, at this time in our life...we are NOT rule breakers. We go geocaching... we pick up the trash....we replace the cache where it was found....we roll the log sheets up nicely...we let people know about maintenance problems.. We REALLY are abiding, geocaching friendly, harmless people. Until today....

Let me enlighten you with a little history ....It was probably sometime in the 1970's, and I think it was a person named Evelyn Wood...she was the guru of speed reading. ( She was to speed reading as Rosetta Stone is to foreign language.) She held speed reading classes. Not that I actually ever attended. ( But, I do read very fast. ) And IF Peanut was EVEN born when those were around...and HAD she attended...she would have FLUNKED !

Now, let's start at the beginning.....

We are out running around getting grocery's...Peanut has a TB to drop off...we pass up a nearby TB Hotel....only because we don't want to waste a lot of time looking....we get our groceries.... 3 stores later ...still running around, crossing all this stuff off our list. When we realize we are close to a TB Hotel, that neither one of us has ever been to. Peanut pulls it up on her phone. We is dark....we need a hint for a combo... Peanut is reading all this in the description... we go for the cache. The owner comes out... we have met him before.... we do small talk... we leave the TB.

On the way on to our next "store stop" we remark that the owner, wasn't real talkative and he seemed a little disturbed. Hmmmm...maybe he was having a bad day. So we are talking about the cache... how WE wouldn't want a cache at our house, that "strange" people would be coming up to at all times of the day and night. And for some, unknown reason, I pull up the cache description...and that is when I read...Daytime cache only!!!!!!

OMG...we both sit there with our mouths in that perfect little "O" :o } We are so embarrassed! Not only does it say Daytime cache only...but it goes into great detail about NOT caching at night!

How did you not read that...I ask....her response....I was speed reading...Well you're no Evelyn Wood....Who is Evelyn Wood? OMG....not only do I feel bad, but you are making me feel OLD and Bad!

The dialogue continues....OMG ( she says) make this all better....Make it better? How am I suppose to make it better? I know I am NOT signing the log ( I say) Oh like he doesn't know it was you.... well you had the conversation about "your series"... I didn't say anything about my identity... but YOU ( my dear Peanut) have to log the TB! And just who else would I have been there with? OK...(she does have a point!)

And I am...trying to make it all better. We are so sorry. And, of course, this is all Peanut's fault...( haha...she said I would blame I am!) And we will promise to read descriptions BEFORE the hunt... scouts honor!

Hope you have a Great Turkey Day!

GG & Peanut

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gotta Go....

I really have to get out and get some caches! I think I could go caching everyday, and not get burned out!

I heard last night my nephew is coming up and will be staying at least a week following the Gobble, gobble day.....My first thought...I HAVE to take him out caching. And then "they" ( family and such) tell me that he wants to go hiking and such....

Enough said...I have to take him caching. I just hope he falls in love with this ( like I did) and never wants to stop!

I guess I just find it strange, that some people may go caching for a short time or only 1-2 times and then just give it up.

Wow...I must be addicted!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Yo Garmin!

You are totally missing the opportunity! Now, I don't mean to tell you how to run your advertising dept. or comment on your marketing ideas...or even suggest you do a special promo....I am just need to listen up!

I have always wanted a movie deal...and I am willing to use Garmin products. I LOVE my Garmin. But with a movie, comes high priced movie stars, and the budget could get high. Of course, I am not disclosing who would play me, but I can assure you, she is gorgeous!

Anyways, It has been suggested that instead of a movie, perhaps it should be a reality show. Now that would trim the budget quite a bit. But with a reality show, you must remember that the characters play themselves! So, before you jump at this need to see me....And I mean " SEE" me. Could be a problem, but with a good make-up artist, it may work.

The third idea, is just a Garmin promo...And seriously, this is no lie....If we could promote ...." If I can use a Garmin, ANYONE can use a Garmin."

I truly do Love my little Garmin....and I have made so much progress in my Geocaching Life. And you need to consider that all promos do not need to be of such a serious nature. Your Garmin web sites have that stuffy guy, demonstrating the GPS.....when in fact, I would Love to do all that! And think about the Old Spice commercials, if they can have that weirdo ( in a his bathroom, no less) promoting that product, screaming on a video at the end aisle at every Walmart.....then you could certainly find a good promo for me!

Option 3 is of course, your least expensive route...and I know when the general Geocaching population, gets wind of this...EVERYONE will want a Garmin!

THEN... we can talk reality show. So, have your people, contact my people...Ok, let's be honest right up front...I have no contact me!

Thank You for your time


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Well ain't we something!

Had a short day of caching yesterday....and I can tell you....we are SO excited! The day started off with Peanut in control....she picked the caches and picked the area. I was just riding shot gun, entering the coordinates as we went along. ( I LOVE this Garmin)

Ended up doing a small section of a whole new area....also turns out we found caches from 4 new people. What a day!

One cache in particular, just made our day. We go to this site, and as I am looking around, Peanut continues to read....not at this location.....
turns out we have to go 88 degrees and so many feet to find it.

We scanned the area, read a few logs, recent cachers unable to find it... due to lack of a sufficient Gps... well if my Gps has a degree thingy on it....I am not sure where it was....but I did remember downloading a compass app on my I-Phone, that I had never used. Hmmmm....wonder....well I grab my Phone...and set up the less than 1 minute...we are headed to the cache! I am looking at degrees and Peanut is in control of the feet.

The closer we get to the cache....the more excited we are getting....AND we know we are gonna find it!

FOUND IT! I was so excited...just think, not only getting the cache but using degrees and all on a compass. Now this is a big thing here! I think I had the same feeling, that football players probably have when they make a touch down! We were ecstatic!!!! If I was younger, I would have done a cartwheel!!!

When I got home and was logging my finds....I am reading the description for the first time. The owner reminds us that it is at a big intersection, lots of traffic and to be stealth like.....

Well....I...mean...I am sure... well, you know....we were...ya ...definitely....uhmmm....stealth like... I am sure....I mean....really...I don't think...anyone...uh...ya...noticed us.

Friday, November 5, 2010

GG's and P Nut's caching Adventure !

Decided to do a little caching...and like the Big Guns we decided on a flight path! Haha....well, that only worked for so long. But...we did get in a nice day of about " 25ish caches" !

Seeing our last cache day was with the whole dog poop should not be surprised that we ran into another dog poop cache....Unfortunately it was NOT part of the cache....But....I FOUND IT!

Immediately we both knew it! And it would not come off my shoe for anything! Even tho, I was sliding my foot along the gravel all the way back to the remained....and so did the smell! UGH!!!

P Nut ( new way to sign her name, when we are in a hurry) wouldn't let me get in the car. Can you believe that sh&% !! Had to do some fast thinking....I grabbed a bottle of water and tried to wash it off.....yea right...not real good luck there. Fortunately we were equipped with paper towels and the such. Good thing we also had alcohol gel, and the next bathroom stop had some spray Lysol or something, I used 1/2 the can!

Smelled better, looked better, all better ! When I got home I ended throwing out all the water bottles...hmmmmm....which one DID I use on my shoe?

Hey...."poop" happens!

Needed to add a little foot note here: ( A lot of our caches today were By Racer) So....Racer ~ You Rock!

Quick Fix !!! :)

Well...what did I tell you!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Haha....there's the poop!

Decided to invite my "poop master" friend to go find the poop cache. That, of course, would be Peanut. With both of us Nurses, and her having triplets....we think we are well versed in poop!

And so it began....the poop search! 2 adults....looking for poop! And we got it....with the credit to Peanut, who actually spotted it!

Definitely not what we "imagined" we were looking for....that just goes to it is so easy to "read into.... or imagine " a cache. My best hint for this the owners hint! AFTER finding the cache....I realized he spells it right out for you! So don't worry about the coords...just read, and I mean, just READ the hint!

It was a fun morning...and I have decided that Geocaching is all about the nature trip....just last week I was walking in the woods, listening for bird chirps and this week....I am on all 4's...looking for dog poop! Can't get any closer to nature than that!

Monday, November 1, 2010

So, Here's the poop.....

On my day off...I went looking....for poop! But, the worse part was I couldn't find it! When you are not actually looking for is everywhere ! I am forever, seeing....smelling....picking up...or stepping in poop. Except for yesterday.

I had some errands to do, so I thought I would pick up a few caches along the way. One of them turns out to be a poop cache. Which is no secret....because it tells you right in the hint, that it is fake dog poop. And a good thing too....because who would ever think that is what you would be looking for! And it is by or on the I guess the most likely thought would be a magnetic...or maybe something shoved under something.....but DOG POOP!

So, here I am in the middle of BFE....looking for dog poop. My first thought ( after searching for some time) How do you NOT see poop? Then I was this small poodle poop? Or is this big dog you know, some huge dog, that almost looks like a pony.

Still no poop. So, I recheck the hint....which by the way has a lot of details....I do the whole...OK, this is North so that is East....then I go to the other end of the bridge to THAT East. Still no poop! Well, the coords were really bouncing....(and that is the story I am sticking too) but I did actually get to where I was, according to MY gps, about 4 feet. So, if I am right in my thinking that is 4 for me, and about 4 for I search about 8 feet. On my knees running my hands through the grass. No Poop! I even got in my car to check the make sure...I knew which way was North. NO POOP!

By this time, I am in some taller grass and I am hoping I don't across the "real thing". But No Poop! So, after "quite some time" I think...this just a bunch of s&%# so I left.

I get an e-mail today, the owner took out a friend, and checked out the whole poop deal. Took about 20 mins or so...but it was found! They adjusted the coords a little...and it should be "good to go"

So, in the morning....while "you's all" having your coffee....I will be on the hunt for Poop!

I will keep you "poop posted"

Sunday, October 24, 2010

In case you haven't heard.....

Around October 15Th, Garmin had a news release announcing the CHIRP....a new twist to Geocaching. According to Goundspeak , they then spent the next couple of days, racing around trying to come up with a CHIRP icon...something you would need to list under the attributes.

On October 19Th... a" Famous Geocacher" in this area, placed a CHIRP Cache. (To get one that fast... he had to have it shipped overnight or something! ....anyways.... moving on...)

Turns out he placed THE ( that would be pronounced THEE) FIRST CHIRP CACHE IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS!

My response...hmmmmm.

It was posted on Facebook... Everyone was googling Garmin... googling CHIRP... People were leaving comments on Facebook... feedback on Grounspeak... making comments on forums... I am sure it was being "tweeted" on Twitter. It was crazy! Everyone had opinions on the future of geocaching. The Cache listing showed it had 11 people watching the site, AND, the Cache site had over 750 hits!

I thought....hmmmmm.

So while the Geocaching community was busy giving their insight... Peanut and I thought ...screw it ....and decided to go get the cache. And that is exactly what we did.... signing the FTF on 10/22 at 16:03. ( That is 4:03 pm for civilians)

I don't want to give anyone the impression that "we just walked up to it" (even tho the 2nd and 3rd to find... did just that!) ...AH....NO...definitely not "my style" After all...have you ever heard of me "just walking up and finding anything? LOL! :)

So Peanut with less than 200 cache finds, and little ole' me with less than 300 finds...Found it!
Now... think about it....FTF on "THEE First Illinois Chirp Cache! "

Wow...Legends ... ( in our own minds!)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wish us luck !

Wish us luck...and common sense... the contents of an e-mail I just sent. The reply : Good luck, not sure about the second.

Peanut is finally over her poison ivy...and willing to enter geocaching areas, beyond the sidewalk!

We have a plan...tomorrow we are going close to sunrise as my old body will allow. We have a plan.....we are so excited...we are going for a cache. Not just any ole'cache...but what we are thinking is gonna be a great cache!

The Gps is downloaded....fresh batteries....tom-tom fully charging...I-phones...charging! The clothes are laid out...warm, with several layers, in case we "break into a sweat" The moon is full we are thinking...that should be ...Good luck for us!

If we get this cache....if...if...if....there will be no "living with us" Definitely a photo shoot.... if we have positive results. Of course, we are not gonna jinx ourselves, by being ready with ....nice hair-do and make-up...we will just take our chances! I even "downloaded" the song....One way or another...just to get us in the right frame of mind.......

Wish us luck...and common sense.....

"One way or another, we're gonna find ya....we gonna get ya, get ya,get way or another...."

( Hey, no fools the time I post this blog, we will be on our way!)

Day 2...teaching 1st Sgt!

I really have to go easy with this....he has already threaten to sue! Ha....let's see, you can have the dogs!

Anyways, out with Peanut...the day of caching was going to be INTERESTING! Peanut, still running gun shy....still on the steroids from her last poison ivy gift. ( I feel sorry for "Dan, the man" you know...women on steroids!...anyways, that 2 law suits now!)

We decide to do a small series...terrain 1 to 1.5 Weather was nice....early autumn ( too hot for 1st Sgt, well anything over 50 is too hot for him, until he is adjusted to "the lower 48"

Turns out 1st Sgt is still doing the numbers game...going north or South, east or west according to the coords....(wow!) We remain silent... ( hard to believe) so as he is heading in, I 'm calling the shots....go more to the right, little more...and he has that same dumbfounded look on his face. ( so much for remaining silent) Peanut and I are grabbing them right and left....Peanut finally whispers to me...."let him get the next one" Ok....I know he outranks her, but really...this is the brother that put barbells over my neck, so I couldn't move! Well, that was a "few" years let him find the next one!

He doesn't know this let's keep it to ourselves!

He finally sees that we are using the compass feature, and...I think we converted him! Or as, he would say..."hell ya!"

The best part...he has been out geocaching on an island...with bears and such, but has the "begeezers" scared out of him...when a little field mouse joins us! And just to make the story clear...he "claims" it ran across his arm....ok...whatever!

It really was a good day of caching...and just to call off the lawyers...his gps did "drop" all the satellite's...( true story) and he did find caches, by just writing the coords on some really....I was impressed!

But, we have come a long way....and looks like I will be trying to get some caches in Michigan...his new home!

He's Bac-c-c-k-k-k-k-k-k........

1st Sgt.....he is back. Finally decided to leave the land of Eskimo's, deer, antelopes and BEARS! Well, not sure of antelopes....anyways....he 's back.

We decided to do a day of geocaching....really I decided and he complied. I wanted to show him some recent caches, and see how far we have progressed. Last time he was in town, Was really when he introduced me to geocaching. Boy, have we come a long first hide was a tupperware container, in a bush! I didn't even know about cammo tape yet!

I think he was a little I really have to blog about this! Took him out for the slab series...he struggled a little. ( hehe...) But, of course, he found them all. I think the highlight was when I was " guarding" the intersection, while he hunted for a cache...I yelled out the window, that we had a combine coming in from the north and a truck coming down the slab from the west...He looked at me like I was an alien!
I don't think he has ever heard me use north, east, west etc directions! LOL !!!

After a grueling day of doing both my AND Peanuts series...he was whopped !

Next day plans are to go out caching with Peanut! We are going to show him, what caching is all about ! Haha!

We secretly hope we can find some caches, keep our keys in our pockets and our feet flat on the ground! ( Help!)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

And the winner is.....

The Garmin Dakota 10 ! I love this little guy!

I went back to the "mans store" determined to find something. They were still having a problem with the alarms, but it turns out....they do automatically shut off after 2 MINUTES! LOL

Armed with a little internet knowledge, I was finally able to get my hands on this sucker. It is small enough to fit into the palm of your hand. It comes with a nice" rubber , yes you can probably drop it and not do damage" cover. A nice lanyard, not to hang your self, but you can actually sign the log, without putting the gps on the ground. 1 button...yep just one...the screen is all touch screen. ( one of the features I loved on the I-phone) It is geocaching friendly....just download from the computer. It shows the description, hints, logs etc! NICE!!!!! You can log your finds as you go....and it takes you to the next closest cache. Hmmmm....nice, no real thinking involved! It also lets me manually enter coordinates....just in case....and I am sure this never happens....the coordinates are off a little...and someone logs some better coordinates. AND the compass is points in the direction I need to head!!!

WAHOO ! Finally someone who understands ME!

So, I manage to pick it up on sale...then with a rebate....and a saver know how it goes! I was so excited! My biggest learning to get it out of that stupid hard plastic casing!

Not to make this sound like a GARMIN commercial...but I am sure we can use Garmins in the movie deal! ( hint, hint!)

Monday, September 13, 2010


After the whole key incidence, we are feeling that luck was on our side! After our fill of chocolate....we head for the next nearest cache. No way, am I even touching the keys! Peanut puts them above the tire. As we head down this little trail, we realize that this has to be the path the owner took to hide the last cache. Duh...why we never listen to our common sense is really beyond us...but....we head out!

Half way down the path, reading the description out loud...something is wrong...the terrain is not fitting the area. Re check everything....ahhhh...this makes sense, we are using the coords of one cache, and reading the description of another....see I told you our ju-ju was completely off. We get that all quickly turned around...feeling a little better that this cache is not in a wooded area...we are finally on flat ground, nice dirt packed trail.....and WHAM! Peanuts down! Tripped over....ahhh... nothing...own two feet. Good grief ! We find the cache...head out!

Next cache area...nice little cache...kinda of a grassy area....looks like the last cachers....took some time to find it ( and they are good cachers) I am convinced we can find it...after all we just found a jungle! Heading down a little slope....and WHAM....I am down! What the ------------? Peanut does a whole photo she is laughing...."all I saw was a blur of white...." over....we decided not to press our luck! 2 downs and we are done! Crack open the Mikes hard lemonade...this has been a hell of a day!


UH ...OH

It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Yes, I had the keys, we both knew it...I had the keys when I locked her car. I had the keys when we entered the woods. I had the keys when I poked a small knot hole. I had the keys on my left hand, ring finger. So....why was it, when I looked down and saw no keys....that I said...I gave them to you. Now really that was said like a hopeful question....but I knew.....I HAD NO KEYS!

We both just stared down at my hands, no keys. I slowly patted my jean pockets, no keys. Neither one of us has said one word....but it was like slow motion as we both turn our heads, and surveyed the area....the vast area of "wooded jungle" The 116 foot circumference that we have just trampled all over.

Ok...remaining calm, let's just do the obvious...use the spare. No spare? No spare at home either? Looking at all our options, we realize: holiday spare Saturn dealers....we are on call for work....and NO...I am NOT calling her hubby!

We did have a small laugh, after all this is our luck and just unreal! The options were narrowed down to looking for the keys . After all we had to make an effort. I decided to start looking while I was practicing the words I would use when I make the call.

Peanut started out with the way, we are never going to find the keys. I was determined. After searching, I decided we were never gonna find the keys, but Peanut was reassuring me, we could find them. When we decided it was hopeless...we did the obvious....we split up, ... hanging onto our need losing each other at this point....and started literally searching every inch of trampled down grass!

I can not even tell you where we were, or how long we had been looking, or how I happened to look down and see the keys... embedded in mud...neither one of us can even believe we found the keys...but we did !

Babbling at 100 words a minute, we somehow managed to find our way out of this jungle. After brushing off the bugs, pulling off the cockaburs, and making a much needed chocolate pit stop... we headed off to the next cache. After all, how much worse could this day get.

Wow....we found the keys! (Thanks Goldy)

Monday, September 6, 2010

4 Little Words

How can 4 little words, wipe a smile right off your face? Well, let me tell you... they did! Let's start from the beginning......Peanut and I are both put on call....decided to go do a little geocaching. Now to be on call for your job...takes a lot of "little requirements" for the most part you stay by the phone and wait to be called in. BUT NO! ... we decide to go caching.

In preparation, we do our hair, put on make-up, load the car with shoes, scrubs....and all the likes. Have to be half way presentable , and we have only a small time frame to get into we feel we are chancing it, but do-able.

First we run around knocking a few errands off the list, then , of course, we have to eat. See, if we get called in, we won't have time to eat. Food is a necessity, it seems!
With a boat race being held in the area...we decide to go get a few caches, " a little further out".

First stop, looks ok. We head across a park, " knowing " the cache is going to be in the woods...outer tree line. EZ!!!!! But when we get to the tree line...our phones ( no longer, worthy of the term gps) tells us, we have some almost 400 feet to go in. Now common sense tells us, that the way... took this route to hide that cache. This is not only a woods, but it has a jungle inside ! These grasses/weeds/ foliage is way over our head, and they are not the kind you "part"...they are woven into each other. It was like being a tick in macrame. We walk along the outside of the woods, until our little blue ball, lines up....tossing common sense to the wayside...we walk in.

Peanut is a navigational guru..need I remind you...I am not. We purge ahead. The little blue ball is bouncing all right....we are all over the place. The closest we got was 22 feet....and, of course, trying to sharpen up the numbers, we attempt to get a little we are at 116 feet. Common sense, our ju-ju and Peanut's navigational skills seem to be gone! So, when I say...follow me...everyone should be a little afraid.

Some time later, we come across the cache. We do our little celebratory dance...sign the log, Peanut takes pictures to use as evidence..(.also as exhibit #1,) for when she challenges the term "knot hole" vs "woodpecker hole"

We have to laugh we are covered with cocaburs , so much for make-up, hair is full of twigs and leaves. We have to laugh, hope we don't get called in...
So, with those thoughts, we decide to get our act together...first is find our way out. And with that thought....the 4 little words are spoken!

You may be thinking...what? I have to pee.... (nope) which way is out... (nope) is that work calling.... (nope) my phone is dead...(nope) what a great cache....(definitely nope)

WORSE....believe me....!!!!!!

You have the keys........

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Big Guns

Just as I was getting ready to go out, and do a second attempt on a local cache, I get the notification...the big guns are in town ! Peanut and I had just listed a series of caches in our area. And the big guns were here doing the series! OMG! It is like have celebrities in town.

My excuse for not finding a cache on the first time around, of course, was the "it was getting dark excuse" . But now that I know the big guns are here, there is no way in hell, I am going out with my little blue dot on my I-phone, looking for a cache.

So lock the doors, close the curtains, stay inside! And just like a tornado, they blew through town getting cache after cache! We may take a beating in the logs, but we are so excited they came to do OUR caches !

Monday, August 30, 2010

Next Stop

I am running out of sporting Goods stores. My mentor suggests I go to Walmart, with a crack about being from down south and all, I would enjoy Walmart. Even my response was not printable. I do stop in Target, and see they have a Geomate for $69.00 You know the little yellow one with the smiling face. I tell myself, to have a little more confidence in myself, and I move on. It was on my next store I see a Magellan.

Immediate flash back. Goldy had a Magellan. He must have used it when he took the paraplane up. I found it when I cleaned out some stuff in the basement. No idea really what it was. I turned it on....nothing...I changed the batteries...I turned it on. All these numbers come up. A " N ' a "W" some numbers, dots, degree signs. Hell, I don't know what it is. I carry it around for a couple of days, and every time I looked at it, the numbers were constantly changing...hmmm...must be broke...I pitched it! If I could go back in time...and if I listened real close, I probably would have heard Goldy telling me...ahh, don't throw that out, you are gonna need that some day.

I go home empty handed.

This just gets better

The next stop is a sporting goods store...a man thing. I can count on one finger how many times I have been in a store like this. It was years ago, and Goldy was looking for, who knows what, and all I remember was walking around looking at things, and being in total awe that they sell deer pee or something. Ok, moving on...Enter store, greeted with a Can I help you find something? Sure ( being female and all, I can ask for directions) I am now headed to the back left section of the store. Thank God, he didn't send me North East or something.

Sure enough there is a whole section of GPS's...all lined up and ready to play with. I did notice a high-pitch sound, kinda irritating, but I am thinking it is some kind of man toy. I am eyeing the units..I am reading the little demo thing. They actually have them categorized according to geocaching experience. I think I am in heaven. And to make things better, that noise is gone. I pick up the first GPS...and there goes that noise! Did I do that? I ask the salesman. Well, it turns out, the alarm system has gone bonkers, and the salesman doesn't have the right key to shut it off. Good grief! Oh well, I can still look. I think I narrow it down to a couple...I reach over and just touch the screen...and sure enough, there goes the alarm....Ok I am out of here!

Searching for a GPS

I am being mentored on GPS 's. I have a list a mile long...I am looking at Garmins, Colorado, Oregons and a few other states! But, think about it...when someone with 1 million caches, suggests a someone with 300 caches, ahhh there is a problem. I don't have a clue..... I decide I am the "hands on" type of person, I want to see it....I want to hold it, I want to check out all the screens. I have my own list, one of the top requirements is the compass thingy. I hate when they always point North...I want it to point, or at least tell me, what direction I am heading. I want it to be like my rear view mirror in the car.

It is a Sunday, I never have Sundays off, so I really don't know what people do on I decide to get me a GPS ! Ya baby! I grab my list, purse, credit card, you know the whole entourage that go with females...and as a last minute thought, I grab a TB that I need to drop off.

I now have it set up that new releases are sent to my phone, so, of course, I think I am all cool and everything. I saw a new TB Hotel was released and it is on my way, or it could be on my grab the TB

First stop, drop off the bug. I get to the site...I pull it up on my I-phone, I read the logs....uh oh...the coords are off. OMG...I feel for this person...if I knew where they lived I would drop off food! I go to GZ and look in a 30 foot circle...nothing...Ok, no problem, the TB can stay with me.

I head for the GPS store. As I am looking over all the GPs's....a salesman comes over...why yes, he can help. I tell him I need a GPS for geocaching. For what? Ok, now really, even the GPS people are listing that this device is Geocaching if you are gonna sell Gps's, I would think the salesperson would know something about Geocaching. Ok, I know nothing about GPS's and you know nothing about Geocaching, so really, cute kid, this relationship is not gonna work! Can you call someone from the Geek Squad or something? He sends over another salesperson. This dude, not so cute, geocache? and he says it like, he was were in the swimsuit edition of Sports illustrated? I hold my head up, yes I geocache! ( he doesn't need to know) Do you? Ah, no, but I know people that do. I actually had a sigh of relief. You see, if he did geocache, the next thing out of his mouth would have been...what is your caching name....and I swear to God, even being a Sunday, I would have lied. Iprobably would have said I was #2 of Just Us.

The next 30 mins we discuss geocaching. All the geocachers he knows are Geologists at the I a geologist he asks...ah you ever read Sports Illustrated?
We move on...he tries to play with the GPS units and I try to explain Geocahing. So, he asks, you just enter the coords, and it takes you to the treasure? Ah...ya...not my caches are 30 feet off. Ok...I am done to the next place!

An open letter...

To all the EXPERIENCED Geocahers out there,

I know you are good, I know you can whip through caches like nothing, I know you can probably find many of them blindfolded. You are good...I am not. I just ask a little favor...don't tell me my coords are off...I know that. I got that message on the first log. I assume you read the description of the cache, I think you may read the logs, probably don't need the hint....but you really don't need to be the 25th cacher that logs that my coords are off.

I have promised Reviewer Jones that I would not be placing any more caches until I got my real GPS. So, until that time comes ( and it is coming) just try to think of my caches as Traditional-Multi-Mystery caches.

Go to the published coords ... That is the traditional cache
From there...head to the actual will be at least 30 feet away. This is the multi-cache. Deciding in which direction this 30 feet will the mystery cache.

Good luck...have fun...and try not to eat your young ( leave that to the medical field)


The 30 foot women
(formerly known as GoldysGirl) :)


Let me "cache" you up to speed...( haha, too funny, sometimes I can't even stand myself!) Way back when, we (peanut and me) go for a few caches, I actually believe it was an after work cache...anyways, not important, the whole story is basically we couldn't find it. The hint was really know the turn right, 12 steps etc. And it says, you shouldn't have to go to into the tunnel. So, this is where we were totally thrown off. What tunnel? We are standing on asphalt, we turn right at the bench, we do the 12 steps ( not the 12 steps I probably need, but...) we look, we look...there is no tunnel We are obsessing about the tunnel. Are we even in the right place? We check the foliage, for the cammo small container...nope...but what is this tunnel? We go in a little deeper, and then deeper, we are definitely out of the terrain rating. We can't find a tunnel.

We go back to the beginning, we take the "other right" ( you never know) and that is a no go. We step it off....12 steps, 12 female steps, 12 men steps, 12 paces...Peanut being Military...does 12 "whatever steps". No cache. Well, it is getting late, and we have to leave. All the ride home, we are discussing the tunnel. Or really the lack of a tunnel.

Not really caring...I mean what is one more DNF ! It was the tunnel that was messing with our brains! I get home....I log the DNF...I casually mention in the log...what is your definition of a tunnel? Haha ( Hey end of story....)

The next day I check my e-mail, Peanut's sitting right next to me....hmmmm, what is this one? I click on it...all it says....a tunnel is a tunnel. Peanut and I immediately do the whole silent...mouth is shaped like an "O"

Now the thing with e-mail, is you really can't tell expressions....was this sternly...ah not explanation smiley...just a statement. A tunnel is a tunnel.

Ok then...we decided we would be going back...turns out to be a loooong time before we went back. And so, when we actually go do "the tunnel" we are a nervous wreck!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pizza Dude

We head off to do a few of the caches hidden by Pizza Dude. We can call him that, seeing we just met him recently at our first geocaching Event. What fun....meeting everyone.

Anyways, we really don't know his style, although we had read in some logs, that he was being who else....yep Alphabet man ! And since you already know my success with that ! Anyways....

We get to the site of the first cache....gps still down....we remember reading the hint about musical instruments or something....we head in. We decide to choose a set up with slides and etc. We first eyed the monkey bars, because we thought it said something about monkeys, but NO WAY...if it was on there, it was a nano...with a super strong magnet. So, we choose the latter.

Now remember this is made for kids, not adult geek geocachers. We climb up the plastic rock wall, and go head in...what a site for any " pass-er-by-ers" Peanut took a picture of me, attempting to get into some little 4 x 4 square. If she wants to live to raise her 3 boys....this will never be posted.

We spent quite some time on this little play set...actually probably more than the kids do. We touched, and tried to undo every screw and bolt on this 1 million part toy.
We, I am telling myself, sat so long doing this, because it turns out we were in a "room" with musical "do-higys".

Peanut heads in a new direction, as I start the e-mail to the FTF dude. I hate to do is like admitting defeat. Really we just wanted a teenie-tiny hint. I think the response would have been just !

But, we were saved, seconds before I go to hit the send button, I hear....Got it !

Whew....geocaching without gps is a whole new level of difficulty! Good thing you weren't there to see me get down !

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We think we are getting better

Due to circumstances beyond her control, Peanut misses the 6am caching call. She stops by at 3pm, dressed in jeans and tennies ( it is 87 degrees out) and wants to go caching. Sure....but Pizza Dudes caches, are all terrain of 1-1.5, so what is with the jeans? And...that is when she announces....we are going to get "the tunnel" ! Oh....
"the tunnel", yep I am in...let me change my clothes! (sign #1....we are getting better)

We decide to do a small collection of 5-6 caches in one town, then buzz over for "the tunnel" I have printed off, just the map showing the location of the caches.....hoping to do this in some sort or orderly fashion. ( sign # 2)

We head out on our quest, the 1st stop of the day, will be a cache, that we had been meaning to get to, but never got around to. We stop there first. We are in a park. We get out our phones, and go to our Geocaching applications. Nothing! What? Ok, lets try again...nothing. Well eventually we get a message saying " no communication" So, basically it is saying we are s--- out of luck! Well, we didn't drive out here for nothing! This cache is placed by someone we know, know the style, know what they like, so I decide to do a little "profiling". ( sign #3)

Hmmm....this was placed in their early days, so it will be a cammo hanging, or a taped container at the base of something...tree or bush. Looking around we see, about 10 evergreen trees...that would be #1 choice. So, now we are trying to "think" back to when we read the logs....ok, is this the one where Alphabet man said, he hated this kind of cache...or do we just know that from the cache event? Anyways, lets go with the first thought...the evergreen tree! ( sign #4)

looking around, I choose the cluster of evergreens, in the middle, but in the back...This cacher would not hide something, where everyone would be the cache would be reached from the back, thus hiding the cacher even better ! The base of the trees are pretty "open" we are going for a hanging.
Past experiences tell me, it will be at 5 foot-ish high, or it will be low, but on a branch where you have to pick up another branch to see it! (sign #5)

So, now we have it narrowed down to 4 trees, I am guessing the middle 2. But I am still trying to figure out the right or the left one...( hey can't tell you everything!) it! (sign #6) So much for profiling...makes me think twice about MY next hides! So, we are off to the next cache...hoping our phones will be up soon...
We are clueless on the Pizza Dude!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The grumpy old man

Monday comes, after a really grueling weekend, I am off to "cache" up on a few things. Replacing wet logs, replacing muggled caches...and the likes. On my to do list, is to go into town, and do a few errands. It was while I was in town, I decide to look up a few caches in the area. I have been carrying a TB that needs to be dropped. The first challenge is to find a cache that is big enough to hold him. Seems like everything is a micro! Ok, so I see where there is one located not far from where I was, according to the log, it looks like a regular size, and according to the map, it appears to be out in the country. ticks....this will work out fine!

I arrive in the general area, and slowly drive by, checking out the site, I do a turn around a little ways down the road. I pull up to the sight, and pull off the road, it is on a corner ( typical bush hide) I look one...I get out...I grab the cache...I return to my car. EZ ! As I am signing the log, decide to do a travel shoot ( while in the car) and as I am stuffing this TB into a small container, I see this gentleman, riding down the road on a John Deere tractor. From now on, I will refer to him as Grumpy old man !( GOM) He drives by me...and if looks could kill, I would not be writing this ! He turns left, and drives on. I am now done, and need to replace the cache...I drive down the road, and do a turn around in the nearest driveway, and as I am headed comes GOM ! So, I am thinking, he must be going to mow...and of course, he is going to mow, exactly where I need to return the cache! So, as I am coming to the intersection, I am trying to decide "how to do this!"

The phone rings, and I can tell, by the tone, it is Peanut...."whatch ya doing? " This is good, I will explain the dilemma to her and she will have a good suggestion. As I am sitting at the stop sign, talking on the comes GOM and he pulls right up to my car window ( on the JD) and he is hollering at I roll down the window, clearly I am on the phone, but he don't care. So, I tell Peanut, I will call her right back...and as I am hanging up, I can hear her saying...No, don't hang up!

On my side of the phone, I see GOM as harmless, but I am also thinking he is going to be making a citizen arrest ! On peanut's side, she hears GOM, and pictures Barney Fife and thinking he could possibly be carrying the 1 bullet, he is allowed!

The following conversation takes place:

GOM: what you doing? ( sternly)
Me: ( sweet little geocacher) nothing
GOM: what business you have out here? By now, I am taking in the whole look and attitude....he doesn't really look like a fellow cacher...( lawnmower was the give away)....but maybe his kid or something has that cache, and he is seeing if I am gonna admit I am geocaching. So, before I can decide on the game plan...
GOM: There has been robberies down here and I want to know what your business is ! So, by now I am trying to decide if he thinks I am running "a business" from this corner, or if he thinks I am robbing houses! Really? I mean REALLY ! It is noon on Monday...I wouldn't be doing either ! I mean it is only noon! So, I decide to play it straight.
Me: Have you heard of geocaching? ( no answer) A world wide game using Gps? ( no answer)
Me: ( cheery and smiling) Well, there is one hidden right over there, and that is why you may see some people stopping and
GOM: I seen it, plastic container under the bush, but I ain't touch it.
Me: Oh....okay..... so I stopped to get it and
GOM: I seen you

Wow, and he is getting madder, so now I don't know if he is mad, that I am on public property, at an intersection or if he is mad, that I took the plastic container that "he seen"
Me: Well I needed to drop off a Travel bug and ( ok...this is not working) Do you live around here? ( trying to make small talk)
GOM: Yup, down the road there, where you turned in my driveway. I seen you, Been robberies out here
Me: well since you know about this, I might as well just put the container back.
(I get out of my car, holding the cache)
Me: See the little travel bug, he started in Germany, and he wants to go to New Zeland, and I got him in California and ( no response, just staring me down) so I will just go put this back now...

He stands guard, as I go to the bush to return the cache ( mean little sucker) and I am now whispering to the TB...I am sorry, I have to even leave you here with the mean guy, but hopefully someone will come get you, real soon. As I get back into my car...

GOM: You get out of here now..GO! Wow, I was really tempted to ask him, if I had at least till sundown! ( Ma always told us to be nice, but really! )

As I drove away, I can see him in my mirror, sitting on his little John Deere, wearing a little reflective vest, and those glasses, the kind that turn dark, when you are in the sun...with that mean little face, just watching me, making sure I am leaving town!

I sooooooo wanted, to roll down the window and yell at him " My John Deere is bigger than yours!" But I didn't!

( Ma would be so proud!)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Geocaching at the airport

Here all along I thought there were no geocaches placed at airports. Boy was I wrong!
As soon as my plane landed, I was into my first caching expedition. Actually, it was an unplanned cache. I had my location, I headed towards ground zero. I knew what I was looking for....It took me some time, re-checking the coordinates, looking and searching...and then just like geocaching you get a smiley as you say....I see it!

Just like geocaching! So I grabbed my luggage and I was off.....I did not want to post a DNF ! All my clothes were in there! :D

Friday, June 11, 2010

It's been a year.....

1st Sgt sends me an remind that it has been a year! WOW...a year of geocaching.
I really don't think I am any wiser ( older, but not wiser!) I have made some progress since day 1. I am richer....Monetary (?)...ah no, as I am still waiting on the movie deal. No... I am richer with Friends and Memories!

I have come across lots of critters, some dead.... some alive.....and some rubber. I have donated lots of blood to mosquito's and named my first tick. I have been scared "half to death" at least twice!

I am happy to say that I have been able to log a few "I found it" along with my DNF's. Grabbed me a couple Travel bugs over the year, and even sent one of my own out.

I have fallen down embankments, hugged a few trees ( to keep from falling) I have been attacked by thorns and a killer corn stalk. I have tripped over my own feet.. other peoples feet and had my hand stuck in a historic monument. Happy to report.... no broken bones...(yet!)

I have slid on the ice, slid on gravel, I have been stuck in the snow and stuck in the mud. I have parked on sidewalks, driven in ditches and jumped out of cars before they were put in park. I have raced to FTF's and ended up on unnamed roads ( not intentionally) Happy to report... ( as far as I know) never caused an accident. (Yet !)

I have been in more cemeteries than a funeral director. I have had to reboot my I-phone, reboot my Tom-Tom, reboot some friends, and reboot my brain!

As far as knowing...Up from Down...North from South, well I am still working on it! I have been lost in woods, turned around, turned upside down and have experienced an occasional "out of my mind". I have been reacquainted with "my other right" ..had a show and tell on poison Ivy was in attendance for the" Latest on Ticks" lesson... and...( best of all) fell in Love with Duct Tape all over again!.

I have learned what a LPC is, a preform, lock -n- lock, Bison tube and a nano. I have come across locks, screws, rocks and magnets ...all containing sign in logs. I now know that a Difficulty of 3 and a Terrain of all perspective...and I am STILL looking for "the" tunnel. I have re-confirmed my thoughts...that when it comes to hints...Men are from Venus and Women are from......( let's just drop that one)

My vocabulary is full of TFTC...SL...TNLN....FTF....BYOP...SWAG...GPS....CITO....GZ....ETA ...TB! This I get... but I still don't know what OBCJY stands for !

It's been a year....and still having fun! So, to all my geocaching's to year 2! Let's get older and wiser together! Happy Caching...see you on the trails!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

No longer tickless....

I got my first tick. If I do a statistic page, I could add that to....first cache...first TB...first FTF...100 caches's and 1st Tick!

Who knows where I actually picked this little guy up...somewhere between cache 1 and cache # 10 for the day.

I decided to name him....dead tick...dead, dead tick!

It all started as I was waiting in the car while Peanut ran in for snacks ( she is a good snack person) the whole sweet/ salty/chocolate thing going on. Anyways...I look down on my jeans and there is a bug....a small black bug...right on the thigh of my jeans! So, I do the obvious...I squish him...but he doesn't squish! I am this a tick?

Sitting next to me, in the door a bottle of nail polish remover...I grab it and sprinkle some on my jeans...okay...I pour some on the jeans...then I take the cap and
hold down "the bug". With my free hand I spray the remaining contents of my "deep woods off" over my entire body.

Peanut returns to the car...she is over come by fumes as she opens the door. "Don't panic", I tell her...but this may be a tick! I lift the cap....yep she says...."it is a dead tick" And then she proceeds to explain, the dot on the belly, the deer tick explanation...the whole burying the head in your skin...the sucking the blood..the Lyme disease....

OMG! I am "feeling" ticks all over me for the rest of the day. The 20 minute shower was not hot enough when I got home!

So sightings!

Anyways ...a landmark... my first tick...a very dead, dead tick!

WARNING.... Don't mess with me...I am armed with nail polish remover!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And so it all begins...

Previously....on The Blog. Peanut goes geocaching for the first time, and becomes instantly addicted. Turns out she is pregnant with triplets. Summer ends, triplets come....Aunt Yoda buys them geocaching t-shirts. Peanut returns to work. The holidays role around, all 3 boys are finally home, Peanut and I occasionally get a chance to say "hi" at work. The New Year roles around and Peanut switches to the day shift. The car pool begins...

On a typical drive home from work...after a typical weekend shift....Peanut and I are doing the usual chit-chat. I am driving and not paying too much attention. I swear, I thought the car knew the way home. Suddenly I realize that I have made a wrong turn. So, it looks like I will be "snaking along" the back roads, just a few ( lots of few) blocks out of my way. Peanut knows this area. She starts telling of her grandma stories ... she is pointing out a small area of trees, part of a walking course ... and peanut says..." This would be a great place for a cache"

And so it all begins....

Fast forward to the next am....( make that 4:15 am, to be exact) and I am picking Peanut up, for yet another "day". On the ride in, she is downloading the Geocaching site to her Blackberry. Yep, the whole wrong turn has stirred her geocaching addiction! The download is complete just as we enter the Kankakee area ... and she is all excited ... there is a cache, just a few blocks away... in fact it is in the same area that I was driving through yesterday... in fact it is on the walking trail! Yes...yes...yes... Calm down, I tell her, we will stop and "pick it up " after work.

And so it all begins....

Like a kid with a new puppy, she could hardly contain her excitement all day...we were going geocaching! I am trying to hide my excitement ( ha, ha) By the time we leave work I am versed on the childhood stories...the parks, the walking trails, the huge white tree....and on and on. I am just so happy she knows the area, seeing I am "tom-tom less" ( I didn't even know we were going geocaching after work!)

We get to the scene of the squirrel cache and she is out of the car, before ( I swear) I have it in park. There are no words for her enthusiasm ... after making an easy grab ... I check my phone for any nearby caches, and sure enough....THE white tree! Really, if you have done the cache, you know it is not really in the tree, but the hint and the story tell of THE tree. I really, truly have not seen anyone as excited about getting a cache... and this was probably what I was remarking on ... when I opened the cache. OMG... there was a "rubber rodent" of some type on the top...I jumped back so fast, I nearly dropped the dumb thing....this , of course, made the ripple effect...Peanut jumps, and then says..." oh, don't scare me like that!" Yea I knew it was in there! So, like typical 8 year old children...we poke it...and take a picture!

And so it all begins....

We recover quickly and are heading home in record time...2 caches under our belt...I am smiling and Peanut is playing on the Blackberry...oh wait she says...There is a Travel Bug nearby....I want a travel bug...I have NEVER had a travel bug....

And so it all begins....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

YES !!

2 days after our big disappointment, I check my e-mail to see that yet another has gone and found the cache. Unbelievable. I just forwarded the e-mail to my friend, no comments needed...really wanted to see if I would get some type of response. Oh Ya...a response indeed. They are convinced we are going back. And you think I was obsessed! Many e-mails and conversations later...a Saturday "pick-up" was suggested. Well, I work every Saturday...but yes it should still be day light after work. Scientifically, when you run the numbers...blah, blah, will be ....blah, blah, blah. In other words it IS there!

After "doing my time" at work, and managing to get out on time...we meet up, this time the rendez vous being in the Hobby Lobby parking lot...and not only are we obsessed, we are also paranoid, because we take a different vehicle! I guess we are hoping to out-smart the stake out! LOL The trip out to the cache was quick....the mood was DETERMINED.

No need to park, take the GPS or even shut the vehicle off, we just get out and walk right up to it. was not there! Had this been my first cache...I swear I would not be into geocaching today as I would be convinced that NOTHING is out there. We searched around for a few more minutes...with every sound someone made was followed by the got it? ... nope ... find it? ... nope ... got it? ... not yet ... find it? ... no ............
and then suddenly I "see " it ... and with that the first good words of the day...."I THINK I got it"

Did you ever want to have one of those great moments where the whole scene is played in slow motion with some really cool music in the background. Music like maybe ... Eye of the Tiger ( wink, wink) well this was the moment. If there were muggles, cops, baby strollers or even a stake out... we didn't see it. But we had the cache. I was snapped back into reality (literally) with what sounded like a photo shoot. If you know me, you know I HATE to have my picture taken ... but, they did go through a lot for this cache with me ... so okay, 1 picture! for all you cachers out there ... go easy on the comments, after all I did just finish a 13 hour shift!

We did end the day with a celebratory dinner. And the chance to write off another DNF. Maybe the obsession came because it was our first time out caching ... maybe because it was a previous DNF ... I know some people say it is in the hunt .... others say it is in the find. Some even get all caught up in the hide ... But for me and GC1MTTZ it is in the name...

Past, Present and Future!

YES !!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Still looking.....

Full of burgers and running on caffeine...we go back to the scene. The new strategy ( otherwise known as plan E) parks us in a new location. We get out, GPS's are powered, and we walk right up to the site! We are stoked! We are wrong! It is not there!

Sometimes ( especially when you are trying SO hard to find something) something happens that you lose all sense of everything. This would include sense of direction, sense of worth and common sense. Suddenly our GPS units are a piece of junk, and can't be we begin to search EVERYWHERE! I think it was when I was on all fours searching through gravel, when 2 ladies walked by with a stroller, ( true story here) and the 1 lady says to the other..."somebody must have lost something" And in my mind, I am thinking....Yes, we have totally lost our minds. We are two adults, we are not invisible , we are not 8 years old, we are 2 people who will probably be taken away and committed! With that thought...starts the laughter, the " I can't believe this " laughter. Where the tears are coming down the cheeks. The Oh my gosh, my gut hurts laughter , the we are insane laughter!

It was with the turn of my head ( to wipe away the tears) that I first see the cop. We are so far beyond stealth mode that there is no turning back. The cop SUV is circling, and decides to park and watch. He is a short distance off, and had he had a cup of coffee, this would have looked like a stake out. It was when the "other" SUV pulled up and parked a few feet away, that we decided...maybe we should leave.

Not making eye contact with "them". We quietly got up, brushed off the debris and nonchalantly meandered back to the vehicle. My only whispered words..."Dude, you know they are totally running your plates"

The drive home was a little quieter. Actually it did make me think...who would I call to bail us out? Hmm...I wonder if my friend has "friends" or better yet..."friends with connections"

So...another day is done...the cache still not found.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

One of My DNF's

Ahhh...GC1MTTZ one of my DNF's. This cache been used as a conversational tool on several occasions. And then... just recently a friend of mine says, " let's JUST go find it." So, ( it just happens) as I open my mouth to say my typical response, of how I am so busy, I have to get such and such done for a deadline...and all the other excuses I usually come up with...I just say...Ok, let's do it!

So, here I am, in the middle of the week, when my desk is piled high, with "my to do list", with things in the yard that probably need to be... "mowed, mulched or weeded, with all my deadline projects hovering in the background...what am I doing? You got it, I am getting ready to go out geocaching.

The suggestion of lunch had been brought up, and they were convinced they were going to walk right up to this, ( I WAS convinced THEY would walk right up to it) so ... ya, we could do lunch after the find. Why not! Sounds like a plan.

As I was getting ready, I was picturing a nice light lunch outdoors on one of those patio know where all the cool people go...sitting there relaxing, having lunch, acting like they have no cares, no deadlines, no stress. Ya...I can picture this. Ok...enough about lunch, let's just get the cache!

The plan was to meet up, at a mid-point and drive in together. So, it was on the drive-in that I realized I was actually getting nervous ... about a stupid cache! But, all was cool, we discussed "our strategy"...and "what we know for sure"... that is when I finally had to admit...I don't know ANYTHING for sure, when it comes to this cache. Change in strategy... we will approach this cache, like we have never been there before! Good Plan!

We get " to the scene" both GPS units going ... I am having a little deja Vu ...or maybe I should call it flashbacks ... but I know ... my friend is gonna walk right up to it!

Did I mention... I don't know Jack ( with Jack being an expression, of course) we start the search out pretty casual ... then more intense ... then the " you have got to be kidding"...this was JUST found ... it HAS to be here! Hours later, yep I said hours later ... we go back to the vehicle and re-group! Focus people ... Focus! LOL After re-reading the logs, the description, and the logs again ... we realize there are no "hidden" clues in anything we read. Being a little stubborn, we are back ... we are searching ... we (I am sure) are looking like a couple of idiots!

Not wanting to admit defeat..we try the lunch idea. Just to let you know... there are NO patio restaurants, there are NO relaxing people, there will be NO sipping drinks in the sun! Which just goes to show you , how my "mind" always wants the perfect scenario! Haha There are a couple of "slightly intoxicated " people sitting in a dark that's lunch...hey give us a break...there are only a couple of options!

The relaxing lunch has turned into inhaling burgers. As it turns out, we re-look the original log...and yep, we got a whole new strategy...

I think we are really on to this now!

Monday, March 8, 2010

I Remember Geocaching....kinda!

Thankfully a cacher sends me an e-0mail to let me know one of my caches needs attention. I like that because, it is not like I routinely drive around and check them out. I get the e-mail on Friday, so with me working the weekend, I decide that I will put it on my "to do" list for Monday. Sounds like a good plan!

The Academy Awards kept me out half the night...and the Awards, is really not my style...unless, of course, I was being nominated for my movie...which is YET to come! Anyways by the time you get to bed, you have been up for almost 24 hours...But, as most of you doesn't matter how much sleep you get, it seems you are up at the same time every day. Thank Goodness I don't need beauty sleep! (At this point, 1st Sgt will say he is ROTFLMAO)

Got through my whole coffee, e-mail, bills, etc routine. Did my work-out, and after going to tan, I decide to swing by and replace the cache. This is when it hits me....I truly am hoping, I don't run into any fellow ge0-cachers!

Normally, this wouldn't be a fear...but, I am, in baggy old sweats, my Punxsutawney Groundhog Day make-up, hair is not combed...I have the perfume of a bronzer going on. No socks, and flip flops. Please do not let anyone be out here!

On the way...out to the cache, which by the way, I DID remember where it was hid...AND how to get there! (LOL) I was thinking back...hmmmm, all the times I was out with 1st Sgt, we never ran into anyone...and when I use to cache with the Potstirrer....we never ran into anyone...been out on my own a few times...and never saw I am safe, to think, it will be ok!

The area was pretty deserted...the drive in was MUDDY, and for a second there, I spun a little on the tires, ( no way, would I be able to call someone to get me out...not looking like this) but able to do a little maintenance on the cache, and get out. Whew!

So, with nice weather approaching, and my new found knowledge on "mudding"...I am thinking I should be out soon. So, to all my peeps, don't give up on me yet!

See you on the trails...I will make a point to have my make-up on! :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Out Muddin'

This all started back in November....The Black Friday Team. Seester and Potential fell for geocaching that day, and it has been in their system ever since. Potential got Seester a Garmin for Christmas....I got Potential, The Idiot's Guide, and Potential got me wine! The circle is complete!!

With Potential being in TN, some Deer thing, Seester and I ( at work one day) made plans for a geocaching blow out! ( Ya....we work together ) We had a plan and it all took place yesterday. I was loaded down with a variety of print offs, and I swing by to get her...right on time. Already this plan is going smooth. She is dressed in trekking boots, with a designer giraffe purse and a thick cammo coat...which I think is...oh old one from 1st SGT!! Hmmm...well that is good, maybe all his knowledge will ooze through the seams! LOL

The plan, and you know how the plans NEVER go as directed, is to head out, pick up a few quick stop and grabs, with us eventually landing at a watering hole, for a late lunch and drinks. And actually, this part was a go. The caches were was the muddin' that slowed us down!!

With just a few caches left, we pull into an "off road" cache. There actually were tire tracks ahead of us, and the snow wasn't really deep....I think it was the frozen snow , and then the mud that was the kicker! Decided not to drive in all the way, but did go as far as the first slope, and parked in a decent area, going to walk the remaining distance. The cache was quick. It was when we went to leave, the whole "3-point-turn-about" that nailed us. Our first thought was to go up the slope, which we thought was feasible ... but the turning round ... was the kick!! There was NO TURNING... we just slid down the rest of the slope ... sideways! After several attempts, back and forth, turn the wheels this way... no try back way... no to the right, well...try the left...we saw mud flying! We are literally out in the middle of no where! I was trying to think of the words, when I had to call my father-in-law to pull us out! ( Seeing he had to do that already once for me...out at the farm) I wanted to go to plan B! We both got out of the car, and surveyed the situation. Hey, we are " college degreed" ... we can figure something out! Armed with rugs, and garbage bags...we do, the almost impossible. I love the part when Seester says..."is this a front wheel drive?" No Seester, right now it is a "NO WHEEL DRIVE"

Once we got it moving, we didn't stop, Seester drove it completely around the whole area, and I trekked back up to the entrance. Had to stop for a photo shoot! Seester got a picture of me LMAO...and in the background you can see the muddy rugs! We kinda wanted pics of the ruts...but nah, didn't want them bad enough to walk down to the crime scene!

We were off to the next cache, flying down the asphalt, getting "mud off the tires" ! LOL The tread on the tires, may be a little worn but, See ... we don't need no truck!

Even with the "mud delay" we were at the watering hole....what? Before they opened!?! What....? Ok, headed off for another cache... really not close by, but close enough to waste some time! At this cache...we decided to park at the entrance and hoof it in...see we are smarter already!

Ended the day at the watering hole , got a great picture of seester in her "designer outfit" and had Gretchen Wilson in mind, as we sat...and got .... "BUD - WISER"!! ( I know, that was bad pun....)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Winter Adjustments

It was a good geocaching day. The Pot-stirrer lined up a pathless woods series, 9 total. We were on a time constraint, arrived at the Park at 10 am... and left the park at 1:34. We got 6 out of 9 and probably would have done all 9 if time prevailed.

Really my first time out in any depth of snow, and even though I thought I was properly outfitted, I can see there was room for improvement. Definitely should have put on the cammo bibs! I know they are ugly, not like anyone else was out there, but it would have kept the jeans dry! And when the jeans are dry...the long johns are dry....then the socks stay dry...etc ... etc.

The pot-stirrer HAD a plan.... AND a map AND re-assured me, that these caches were just off the trails. OK sounds good...until #2 We are surrounded by a blanket of deep white snow. There are no paths ( hence the name) but there are no trails either! The plan was to work counter-clock wise on her map. Hmmmm....we certainly got distracted from that plan by the 2nd cache. But, that was cool...we were not out doing the Amazing Race, we were just having fun, and turns out we incorporated a huge exercise program with it!

The hat came off, before I even left the truck! Hate hats! And seeing I had a hoodie back up, I was good. Of course, Good would not be the correct word here, seeing the only pic taken of me...was not good! All I needed was a shopping cart, and we would have a poster for homeless bag ladies! DELETE! DELETE DELETE! Whew...won't be seeing that sucker on the internet!

First 2 caches went smooth, Pot-stirrer pulled out a (?) bicycle horn and was blowing that when she found cache #2. Turns out the wizard has a whistle in that bag too. If we were in the Land of Oz, I guess she would say I was the scarecrow, but she definitely would be the Tin Man. Together we would make Dorothy ( lost) and all we needed was to have Toto! ( uh, no thanks!) It was after cache number 3 of the day, that things starting going down hill...and I mean literally. And once you go downhill....the next stretch is uphill! Great butt exercises! It was the sound of ice cracking....that brought to our attention that we were on some body of water. Doesn't even matter how deep it was ( thankfully, we did not find out) but it was just the idea. First thought...even though our combined body weight is not much....we should probably be spread out a little ! Second thought...we are definitely off "the trail" We passed over this cracking area...uh...several times, which also tells me we were going in circles at some point! Good thing I got the waterproof boots!

There may have been no paths, the trails and the water were completely hidden... but we did manage to find the sticker bushes! Those little suckers never die. And I really shouldn't call them little....I have been officially "stuck" everywhere! Even brought one the tweezers and pulled that little trinket out this morning!

The "nice" thing about a hint, or perhaps trying to gather info from some other log... is...well... there WAS no nice thing about it! The dude from Michigan, looks like he did the same as us...came in the hard way from the road. Well, after reading that, decided we must be somewhere near this cache. Oh ya, we were, but just Like Michigan dude...we were on the wrong side! We made so many trips back to GZ on that one. Pot-stirrer kept saying, it was only a terrain of 1.5 ... so her thoughts that we were in too far. And seeing she likes to be right....she was right! On the other the snow, nothing is a terrain of 1.5!

It WAS a good day. The jeans were wet up to the knees, and wet jeans are a real....( you know) Was able to post field notes from the some photos when I got home. If anyone is headed out there soon. Some advice... DON'T ... follow our footsteps! And if you see the "third" bench, or any benches at all, or even some brick building...let us know. We never came across any of that! And remember, the thorn bushes are hungry...and the "body of water" has already been cracked!!

P.S. wear some cammo bibs!