Friday, December 31, 2010

Wrapping it up !

With the New Year just around the corner, I thought I would wrap up the year with one last blog.

The weather outside is delightful,
but soon will become frightful
So, before it starts to snow
Let us go, let us go, let us go!

(cheesy...I know)

Had a caching day planned with Peanut...finally a day that we both had off, DaddyDan "volunteered" to babysit for the triplets...the winter storm warning was not going to take place until 4pm....the sun was we had plans.

Peanut made all the plans, leaving early again...trying to get some numbers. I text her in the morning....what is the dress code (she answers) stop and grab caches. Ok, that should answer all questions....but....not thinking it out thoroughly...I dress for the day.

Layers ( definitely) ... 2 hats ...(hey it is cold outside) gloves ( actually, the mittens, that lift up with the tops of the fingers exposed...need to actually touch the I-phone screen, to make it work) (definitely boots) with 2 pairs of socks....hate cold feet!) Decided NO to the coveralls (mistake!)

Peanut picks me up ( I do not drive in snow...effectively) I trudge out to the car, weighed down with clothing...geocaching supplies...snackies ( lots of !) ...water (Peanut can get dehydrated in the winter too...really she is always "preaching" that ) We fuel up and we are off. The day is mapped out, going down and over ( I think, that is right) 2 counties, and starting from there.

In hindsight, had I logically thought this through...Hmmm...a few days BEFORE Christmas...means the traffic "in town" would be if we are going for numbers...we are going "country"...with that comes ditches, "culverts" , unplowed roads. hindsight...we should have had coveralls!

By cache number 2, we were soaking! I know Peanut snapped a few of me up to my knees...literally stuck in the snow...and 1 ( or 2) of me lying on the ground. (Not that I fell or anything. mind you) I was a little fearful that they would make the logs, but realized they were taken with MY I-phone....(whew!)

We had a good day with numbers, actually stopped and had lunch. Ended up laughing our butts off, when we realized we were only 50ish feet from a cache. Oh ya, had to go back and get that one!

We had a "end time" in mind...but when the weather started getting sloppy, we thought we would start back...."after a couple more" ! ( Or, as we would say in my family ..."one more") I guess, it was when we saw cars sliding into stop signs and people in the ditches...that we came out of our caching gaze, and decided to head home. Now, we are only 2 counties away! And wouldn't you know, the weather man was wrong...The winter storm warning may begin at 4pm...but in WHAT county? LOL

Several hours later, we got home...unscathed! Of course, I was taking pics of the weather all the way home. You know, in case we didn't make it....everyone would know that we were "aware" of the conditions! And being true geocachers, we were hoping that someone would log our caches for us ( you know, just in case...want the numbers to be right at the eulogy) Peanut, having been a semi driver in her previous years ( has she not done everything!) had no sweat, as she is telling me "semi horror stories! And me...well I ( truly) was not worried...just someone feed the dogs ( oh and...log my caches !)

Oh and one last bit of wisdom...Cold, frozen fingers do not work on the I-Phone! Everyone have a great New Year!

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