Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Whaz Up?

Nothing! And that is the problem. Everyone, I assume, has survived the blizzard of 2011 The most excitement anyone has had in some time...well, me, at least. I was thinking of all the caches...all the wet logs, all the buried caches! Good thing I don't own a bazillion caches, this would be a pain in the butt, to go do maintenance. Spring is just around the corner, according to Phil...you know the groundhog, whom I am a huge believer in. And if you are not family, you won't know this...but Ground Hog Day is my favorite Holiday. Yes....true. Has been since I have been a little kid. Ma would also remind me ( every year...every time, I say Ground Hog Day....that it is Dana Mumby's birthday. I, of course, wouldn't know Dana if I saw her on the street...but you know how Ma's can be)

Moving on....I injured my shoulder training for my 5K...let me tell you, it is harder than you think, handing those water bottles out! I need to get out caching, before I really hurt myself. Plans for the geocache event, are in progress, and I think we may actually have plans to meet up with some "experienced cachers" ....after all, we don't want to seem "too obvious"

In the boredom of the winter, I threatened Peanut that I was going to start a "ditch the bandanna campaign" She claims she wears the bandannas to keep ticks out of her hair. H-e-l-l-o ! it is 10 degrees out! Even I know the ticks are hibernating! So, if you know Peanut...send her an e-mail, telling her to ditch the bandannas....that ought to get her going......LOL!

Suppose to be warming up...sun was actually shining this week...so there is hope...out caching in the mud, is just around the corner!