Monday, June 29, 2009

Geocaching with the triplets

I have a good friend/co-worker ( actually have a couple of friends) Anyways, who is "chomping at the bit" to go caching with me. I call her " peanut," she calls me" Yoda ". ( Don't even ask) It has only been 4 days, since I explained geocaching to her. In those 4 days, she has bookmarked the website, downloaded the rules, picked out AND signed up with her new geocaching name. She has entered her profile and downloaded a picture. She knows all about muggles, travel bugs and has memorized the lingo. She is currently working on the location of her "first hidden" . She has read dozens of profiles and has " my caches " on a watch list. But, I am still hesitant about taking her out there. Why then, do you ask, am I being such a hard butt about this? Well, she is definitely qualified, she is the "female" version of My friend Ray ( MFR) " That version" being, that she has been in the Army, did her tour in Iraq, and all that good stuff. (I know she can change a tank tire in ten minutes. Which I am totally impressed.) So why? what's all the hesitation about..... well... she is pregnant and having triplets! not twins, people.....TRIPLETS!! In less than 1 month she will be put on official bedrest. Literally on bedrest! We are talking in the bed, with a laptop beside her, the netflix in front of her , the cooler( containing pickles and peanut butter) within hands reach, and all this is to be located just a few feet from the bathroom facilities.
So, with this in mind, I agree to take her. Under MY terms ( of course) We are going on a weekday to avoid crowds. . We are going to a town she used to live in, so she will be familiar with any "hazards" ! We are only doing a couple of caches, with the terrain being no rougher than a side walk. We are NOT going if it is... raining... hot..., humid... or a mosquito alert has been posted. She is a hard sell, but has agreed . ( So, basically, we will be frolicking in the sun, finding hidden treasures) And I know if by some rare chance I would trip on a sidewalk crack, (while sipping on my latte,) Peanut would be the first to rip off the bottom of her maternity top, make shifting some type of tourniquet or sling. She would be the first to hoist me over some strangers shoulder, and have me taken to the nearest MASH unit. So, really, it is not me, I am concerned about. I am just thinking that maybe with a couple of caches under her belt ( just an expression, seeing she will not be "belt material " for some time) Ya, I'm thinking that will satisfy her "hunger" for some adventure, until, ( of course) her "troops" arrive. In the meantime, this will work to my advantage, as she will be a "captive" audience. I can see it already, maybe we will get some nextels, so we can "beep" each other. Like, Hey big peanut ( that will be her name by then) This is Yoda, listen up, here's my "coords, this is where I am, this is where I am suppose to I go right or left? Or maybe, I will be so good, I can say, Hey, Big peanut, it's Yoda, picked up a couple of easy caches, leaving the field now, will stop by your place at approximately 1620. I'll bring the" moose tracks" ice cream, save me a couple of those vinegar and salt chips. Roger that!

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