Thursday, June 18, 2009

Out of control

After getting my solo find under my belt, I decide to check the i-phone for any nearby caches. Hmmm....just 0.6 miles down the road. Might as well stop by. This one is on a trail, but the name contains a suggestion that maybe it is in the sign, the one that tells you all about the "hazards" of the trail. Oh right, there I go assuming. Wearing shorts and flip-flops ( remember I was just going for a water park cache) I head down the trail. Really I head UP the trail, as I know I am going north. See, I am getting a little better. Only 1 muggle, but he is sitting in his car, reading a book. All is clear. I follow my i-phone blue dot to Gz. Well, somewhere near ground zero. I check my" coords" and want to be smart about this whole thing. I quickly toss out of my head, using the whole number thing, as I haven't really practiced that yet. When my blue dot is lined up I take a right ( that would be East) and head into "the jungle" It turns out to be a mosquito farm, so I make a quick dash to the car for some OFF. I am determined I am going to get this. The muggle is still there and doesn't seem to be concerned. I wonder if he hears me talking to myself. I feel like I am in a "Where's Waldo" page. I hunt, and I hunt and then OMG I found it!! I remember not to yell out, lesson from 1st Sgt, but I am so excited I am actually shaking!! Now this was no easy cache. Trust me, it was a small, very small, very, very small cammo covered tube. And I found it! I leave the trail, realizing how hard it is to sign your name, when you are using a tree trunk as your desk. Maybe I should have brought the stupid notepad. I am going to leave the rest of the trail for future visits, as I had some ankle biters get me. I hope they are skeeters. Tonight I will google what poison ivy looks like.

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