Friday, June 19, 2009

I WILL get organized.

Since it is raining out, ( ya ma, I know, It's not like I am gonna melt) I decide to stay in today and surf the world wide web. I first printed out a picture of poison ivy and taped it to my can of OFF. These 2 things may go hand in hand. Decided I need to pick up a small bottle of that alcohol gel, knowing very well I will be in poison ivy before I recognize it. Found a nice web site on geocaching Lingo. They even had LPC on there! Could have cut my time in half, if I knew that 2 days ago! Looked up a web site on compass reading. WOW! Who would have thought. Way, too way, deep for me. They have like little sayings that you memorize so you can understand the coord. Really...I can't even understand the sayings! Decided to move on from that site and just make a list of what I need. Probably need to switch to pencil, as it does write at any angle. Can't forget the stupid notepad. May need to "write it down". Then there is TT, my i-phone, car keys, trinkets and a stick. Oh ya, can't forget a stick. 1st Sgt nearly had the "Big One" when he saw me up to my elbows in the base of a tree trunk. And, No, it never did occur to me, that there could be critters in there that actually bite! So... can't forget the stick. After reviewing the list I think I need like a little fanny pack, or belly bag type to hold all this. Not like a hot pink one, but maybe something stylish in a cammo. As I sit here and get a mental image of the whole thing, I decide to go with an "over- the -shoulder" tote. Off to Walmart. I will "cache" you later. ( Wow, I am getting bad)

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