Friday, June 19, 2009

Blogging as therapy

I go geocaching for physical and mental exercise. But I blog for therapy! I am sure everyone could use a little therapy now and then. I could probably even get a professional discount. But, I'd rather spend my money at The Dollar Tree buying trinkets for my caches. So....I blog. Let me jump back a "few" years and tell you that we lived in a small, quiet community, not far from where Big Sis is living now. Dirt roads, no sidewalks, pure country. We thought we were the riches family on the street, because we had "aluminum" siding. Ma, would tell us to go out and play and not come home until the street lights came on. (Get the picture?) Let me give you a brief insight on Ma. She is doing good, lives in what we would have called the "hippie" state when we were kids. She is in her 80's, knows all our names ( well, maybe not when she is talking to you, but truly does know all our names) She danced on the table at all our weddings. She is the Queen of Bingo, does water aerobics, plays rummy cube and walks everywhere. She is probably in better shape than the rest of us. Well, maybe not 1st Sgt ( of course) But she is doing good. Ma "types" letters to everyone. The letters arrive in a blue, size 80 font, all capitals. Ma never lets us forget the trials she endured growing up, like how she wrote as a lefty, the nuns (or whoever she blames at the time of the story) would "whack" her knuckles to force her to write with her right hand. And that is why, no one,( not even Ma) can read her hand writing. This was also in the days when the kids walked to school...5 miles... each way...everyday... in the snow...uphill ( no less) and to top it off... BOTH WAYS.! Are you starting to see where this whole dysfunctional, directional pattern begins? Got to Love MA! XOXO

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