Sunday, June 28, 2009

Me and my friends ( part 2)

My friend Ray (MFR) is the first person I thought of, when 1 Sgt casually mentions, that perhaps I shouldn't got out on the "trail" caches by myself. Maybe I should have someone with me, to carry me back to the car, when I " break something".. Ya, thanks 1 Sgt. Well, maybe he does have a point there. Anyways, MFR is the answer. Now MFR works in another state, due to the economic crisis, but when He comes home, I"ll introduce him to "the cache".. But, I am wondering, what if he already knows about geocaching, or maybe he is an "expert" geocacher with , you know, 400, 000 ,000 caches under his belt. Hmmm...I wonder.( Oh, did I mention that MFR is "military"?) You know, did the whole Army thing. My luck, probably taught some type of navigational class, or something. I really doubt if Goldie, had ever mentioned to MFR, about my "direction dysfunction". I mean, why would he? Why would that subject had ever come up? And I am sure, it would fall into the same category as our dog. ( Which I quote" Never, tell anyone I own a poodle!" unquote) Ok then.... Am I setting myself up, or can I pull this off? What does MFR know? Let's think....I grab, my i-phone ( handy little sucker) and I text to MFR - MUGGLE - and I hit the send button. It goes, something like this:

MFR - how are you?
Me - do u know what a muggle is?
MFR - no
ME - Perfect!

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