Friday, October 23, 2009

Trying Not to panic....

Panic does not look good on me, therefore, I try to avoid it all times. In my line of work....things happen...hearts stop...and crazy things like panic is NOT an option in my job. I don't do panic. So, what is this real weird feeling I have right now, ( may be a small form of panic?)

When I decide to just go ahead and panic, I find myself speed dialing the potstirrer, rambling on and on, about 100 miles an hour, about wrong coordinates....muddy bean fields....5's instead of 4's...miles off the coordinates!! You can never really predict a response from the potstirrer, so when she responds with...." well, they found all the others ones, right?" I guess this doesn't even surprise me. It certainly doesn't make me feel any better! I now have to go into a 1/2 hour dissertation on how this is a WORLWIDE treasure hunting there are over 900,000 of these hidden treasure, and I can not even get mine right! This doesn't seem to phase her. But...if she was the one looking in the muddy bean field, instead of the bridge...well then this may be a different story.

The dogs are getting their exercise, as they follow me while I am pacing back and forth in the house. Ok, let's be reasonable, the cacher that figured this all out...seemed very nice, no swearing , no threats, he even listed the correct coordinates for me. That alone, is a blessing, due to my great directional disorder, I wouldn't be able to get to the cache myself. I was planning on relying on my coordinates, if the cache needed maintenance, because truly, I don't know where they are! So, by having the correct coords, I can actually go to the cache, instead of being in a muddy bean field! The "nice cacher" has a lot , and I mean a lot, of caches under his he certainly recognizes a "newby" like me.

I decide to make this quick and painless, before all the e-mails start piling up. I go to my log in, and edit the cache. I list the coordinates given to me by "nice cacher". I hit the enter key and....Wa-La! Wait, I see red...uh oh, it is a note....oh great the new coordinates are so far off, from the original, that I can not edit them. What?? It is only a 5 instead of a 4! ( says, the potstirrer) but it turns out, that one number is over 8 miles in error! 8 MILES! That is a long walk!

So, I need to temporary patch this up. Duct tape will not work on this one. Let's see, I will go and edit the story part, and list the new coordinates at the beginning...ya, that should work. I open up the reaming e-mails, nothing too threatening there. The Alphabet man did not find it, he didn't have the " correct coords" great...( eating more humble pie/ better add a little a la' mode to it) Still, no hate letters ....yet!

I do realize that I have to contact Reviewer Jones and get the coords changed. I get a e-mail from the "nice cacher", he tells me the same....just contact Reviewer Jones . Ya, I feel like when you are sent to the principles office. Slowly dragging your feet, trying to come up with a better explanation. I guess I could say, that once you got stuck in the muddy bean field....ruining all the farmers crops...that there truly was a sign there, listing the correct coords, just have a tow truck pull you out ...and then head over the 8 miles a bridge, that actually has the cache!

Ah no...not gonna work!

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