Sunday, October 18, 2009

Caching with the dogs

I have to take the dogs to the groomer, conveniently located near a cache. So , after the whole "spa" day, we head out for a "found it"! Yea right... we find ourselves, in this stupid ditch, that of course, contains water, that we just visited a few days ago. Couldn't find it that day ( in the rain) so have returned to the scene of the crime. I am thinking this is in the drainage pipe. And due to that line of reasoning ( since my last visit) I have purchased, a mag light. Hot pink...wouldn't want to get it confused with the potstirrers! This, of course, is a joke, because the potstirrrer would NEVER own a hot pink mag light. Hey it was 8 bucks at Wally world, and I think it is cute!

We drive to the cache, pass it up several times, realizing that since our last visit, the corn has been combined...and I don't even recognize the place. Finally agree on the spot, park down the road, and since I have the dogs, I have to totally shut off the car, and do a lock down! Normally we stop for caches with car running, doors open, middle of road....well you get the picture!

Now I am not one to say, that the dogs are not well behaved, but just this morning, I had to do "the ole' grab one by the neck -as he jumps out the window -after hitting the auto window button- in his hyper stage!!

This, of course, is why you never see a log in, with the words...found this cache while out with the dogs today, also why Goldie always said...."never tell anyone, I own a poodle" And to make matters worse, couldn't find the stupid cache! I swear, it is not there!

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