Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pot-stirrer and the Did Not Find

It is finally my day off, and I think I have a ton of things to do. Pot stirrer calls and tells me about a cache...she did not find. Turns out she goes caching...without me...on her weekend off! Well, that is the first problem. Anyways, I listen to her tale...and it is a tough one. She goes into detail, telling me all the surroundings, and that is when I say...it is the ( blah, blah, blah) Don't want to give any spoilers!

She says she didn't even know, you could have caches like that! So we spend the next 1 hour, still on the phone, scanning e-bay looking/showing all the cool caches! She is determined...and I want some caches, so we make plans to go caching today...and back to the scene of the did not find!

She picks me up at the crack of dawn, my idea, and we head off. She is driving, I am shotgun. And the I-phone is NOT charging, as I think. Can you see where this is heading? We pick up a couple of not- really- near- by ones, and while stopping for a cup of coffee...I realize the phone is not charging, and the battery is going quickly!

This is the start of my frustration! I shut the phone off, to save the battery...and we head to the scene, after all, she has already been there and I am sure I know what we are looking for! We arrive, and neither one of us, knows north from south...we are very turned around. We start looking...and looking...and looking. Maybe they want you to think it is.... so, we start looking nearby, and looking, and looking. I get the caching stick out and I am banging the heck out of everything, I am poking, stooping , prodding and starting to think some really negative thoughts.

The pot stirrer calls it quits, but I dilly-dally just a little longer. We may be just a couple of girls, but the BA in her "real " geo-caching name stands for BAD A**. I just hate to admit defeat...but we are cold, wet, hungry, and she has to go to work...and we have 1 more cache we wanted to get!

Then out of the blue, I hear her say...there it is. Finally some words, I wanted to hear. I turn and look, and I am so frustrated I can't even get excited! I snap a picture, just to send to 1st Sgt...seeing he is thousands of miles away... I don't think we will be spoiling this for him.

I head back to the car, the pot-stirrer is doing some little cart wheel dance...she is so excited! She can hardly contain herself! As we drive away, I ask her if I can have at least " 1 star" since it was exactly WHAT I said it was going to be...But I just couldn't see it.

When I get home...I log in as "found it" and just said...NO COMMENT. I 'll be dammed if I give any help to the next guy!

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