Monday, July 20, 2009

The Feisty squirrel

We leave our street corner and head out for the next cache. The first problem with a name like "the feisty squirrel" is that the name alone will suck you right in. We read, the cache....ok sandwich size lock and seal. At least it is NOT a micro! Hint reveals..."hollow". The second problem is that you need to read the entire cache. So, we wasted at least 15 mins at the wrong entrance. Yep...we are at a huge forest preserve, trees, creeks, wild life, thorns and ticks! I just never I? We realize the mistake and head off for the correct coords. OK, path is open... muddy... but open. Should we go in...or come back on a day we are physically and mentally prepared? Well, the pot stirrer points out, that the cache is a few feet from parking. She heads off...with both the TT and the walking stick! I stumble through the thorn trees at least 5 feet behind her. "you, would recognize poison ivy, if you saw it?" "right?" Yep, she replies "we are in it". The clue of hollow is useless, seeing every other tree is hollow. No feisty squirrel in sight. We continue. I am thinking due to the recent "no find" cannon, and now the street corner, the pot stirrer is determined she is going to find this one! In hindsight, we should have taken the trail, THEN crossed over. But, that , of course, would have been too easy. 27 hollow trees later...2 ticks...lots of deer poop...and a gps bouncing signal... we(actually) she gets the cache. I, in the meantime, am trying to get my jeans untangled from a thorn bush. Satisfied with her success, and a little smirk, on her face, we head back for the car. "do you want to check out the feisty squirrel?" I ask. "he is suppose to be only 2 feet northwest of here." "What? mean the RABID RODENT that will probably attack us, and be gnawing off my ankle, while you are running out of the woods, trying to call 911?"

I tell you, where does she come up with this stuff?

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