Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Earth Caching

Pot stirrer calls me up, she's out "camping", wants me to come out for the day...maybe we can do a couple of "caches". Well...now, for someone who really isn't into geocaching....and to suggest we go caching, then she must really be bored. Seeing, I have roped her into a few things, I decide I will go, for a day of relaxation. I check the local area, and yep, right in the same park...is an earth cache! This will be my first earth cache. ( so, why don't I have an earth cache listed with my "finds"?, well...that's where the story begins.) I read the instructions to make sure it is not TOO hard...and then ...print! The next AM I set off, TT , cache print out, back pack, walking stick ( I know, it is just an earth cache) and all the usual good stuff. TT gets me there in 1hr 35 mins, not bad. Got to explore all the back roads...nice drive. After a quick tour of the park, we set the coords and get to the earth cache. Really didn't need any coords, just headed over to the informational kiosk. I answer the 4 questions, and click the necessary picture to qualify, actually I take 2 just to be sure. Done! Now that was easy. So, while we are in the area, lets head out for one more. The pot stirrer, says this...NOT me. My memory is just a little blurry, but I do recall, slipping jeans over my shorts, grabbing the OFF, and the walking stick. Why I left the "tennie whoppers" in the car, well, I thought we were just going for an earth cache. We end up in a terrain 3, difficulty 3 woods, the cache was placed "before the leaves were out", no hints no ...nothing...just a message of "Good Luck". In hindsight...always go with your first instinct....always go to the first place your I-phone takes you...and never make little clicking noises to the deer standing right in front of you. The deer actually was not the problem, he just stood and looked at us..to see what WE were going to do. I would have taken a picture, but the only camera I had, was on the I-phone that I was using to navigate. We did find the cache, and actually before the sun set. We did click a picture of my feet in my flip flops afterwards. Along with the pictures of deer on the road back to the park. And I am sure someday we will laugh about it all. The fact that I sat down on a log to pull stickers out of my feet....the fact that the ammo box that was sitting right next to the log. The fact that we were so far in the woods...I decided we should leave via the cornfield. The fact that the pot stirrer is freaking out, because the corn stalks are hitting her in the face. The fact that I even was smart enough to think of the cornfield,(corn always goes in a straight line, and always ends at an opening) We may laugh at the fact that my TT took me a different( and wrong way) home... The fact that it took me 4 hrs to get home. The fact that my I-phone crashed...The fact that while trying to re-boot my I-phone, The computer crashed. The fact that I had to drive to Best Buy that same night and Apple had to reset the phone to factory settings. The fact that I lost all my pictures on the I-phone.. resulting... in the fact that I didn't meet the requirement of the earth cache. Yep, we will laugh about it all someday....just not today!

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