Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who are we?

(Music opens: CSI theme song...Who are you....)
(Music fades...)

Well I don't know my Up from Down...my North from South ( at times) and I definitely can't sing, but it would be a good opening. I get a nice e-mail from the "nice cacher" and he, has a she, that makes them a we, and she of the we, was the one responsible for the nice save with my totally screwed up coords. Cool! I think that would be neat to be out caching as a "we". Which made me think of the fact...that I really don't know any of these people, but like everyone else ( I think, everyone does this) I put a "picture" with a geo-name. So, in my mind I think I know a lot of these people!

For example...while out caching one day, the pot-stirrer refers to "fuzzy" as a she. No, I say, Fuzzy is a he. How do you know? Well, I don't... I tell her, but I "just know" that he is a he. She insists that he is a she. In my mind....Fuzzy is a he. But, do you know that for sure, she asks...No, but I WILL when I get home, because I am gonna look it up, and I am just hoping HE has , at least, 1 picture in the gallery. HE didn't look like, the Fuzzy in my mind, but he is a he. And I can see where he gets his name. And so the stories go on...only in my mind, do I really know anyone!!

I get the weekly news letters from Groundspeak, like everyone else. And I see where they have these geocaching get togethers...and I am thinking...do these people KNOW each other? Or do you go in and they have a" stick on" name tag that has...what? their geo- name or their real name? And if they have their real name...do you know who they are? ( I think they should have both names on the sticky) I do know for sure, that you would never see "Alphabet Man" on the sticky...because that is really just a name we made up for him. Never met the guy.

After reading the nice note from the "Niche cachers"... I realized no one really knows me.... ( well if you live within a 10 mile radius of me, you would know Goldy, so you would know "Who I AM".. but I am truly harmless, I am not the dysfunctional, wine drinking, "blonde"that I may portray. I write the blog, only to bring an occasional smile to 1st Sgt and Big Sis. Ma sometimes gets a "reading" if Big Sis, stirs the pot and calls her.

Everything I blog about, really happens I just write about it...in a BIG FONT way!

So, happy caching....I am off ( but not speeding) as I just found out...from a friend of a friend of a friend...that the owner of one of my recent, very frustrating, finds is actually a "ticket writer"


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