Thursday, November 5, 2009

Geocaching Thursday

We (being me and the pot-stirrer) usually go out caching on a Thursday. It is really the only time our schedules don't collide... So, when the phone rings on a Wednesday... at the crack of dawn I really think something bad has happened. The over-caffeinated pot-stirrer is calling...there are some FTF's out there, we need to get them! Ok, I say, so is that where you want to head out on Thursday...Oh NO! She wants them today~!! Aren't you up? Ahh nooooo... Well , she tells me, she is going..." with or without me". Ok, I am up now. Claims she will be here in 1 hour! Yea right, by the time " 1 hour" rolled around, we already had 2 FTF's!

So, this is how the day starts out! Her caffeine buzz had to be powering her GPS. My signal, was about as weak as the 1/2 cup of coffee I gulped down. We buzzed from FTF to FTF, being all stealth like...she's talking all "low", probably didn't want anyone to "hear "us. Her paranoia was showing...every time she saw a vehicle, she just knew it was someone out to get the FTF! I was starting to get a little paranoid too...I was waiting for someone in a "cammo" outfit, to jump out of the huge mounds of leaves and scare the begeezer's right out of me. Having watched the movie "shooter" the night before probably added to these paranoid thoughts. I really did manage to "get" her ( and it was quite funny) as I was looking up the "next cache"...I told her..."Oh alphabet man, just logged that one as a FTF! OMG...I wish I had my camera ready...that look was oh so worth it! just kidding, I say, really NO ONE is even UP yet, let alone out getting FTF"s

After a record breaking morning, I plead for a breakfast stop. Her idea of breakfast and mine are 2 different things! I am thinking 2 eggs, over medium, maybe crispy bacon, some of those really nice browned chunky potatoes...rye toast...mixed fruit jelly....Ok wake up! I manage to get down a dry Cherry danish from some gas station ...and we are still going...and going... and going. After picking up all the new FTF's , we stop at a few caches that I had already found. She does a really nice job, of adding these to her "found it" list. We did stop at the cemetery, 1st Sgt, you remember, the whole bunny nest incident, where you screamed like a "girl"! Ya, who was rolling on the ground laughing then!

We were back home, before the sun came up...well not really, but we were NOT gone long. Seriously someone has to control her caffeine intake!

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