Friday, September 18, 2009

Garmin vs I-Phone vs Tom-tom

Since I brought up the subject of checking out the potstirrer's new GPS, I thought I better follow up with that. She, actually bought the Garmin, for the car, but since it has lat and long coords, we decided to check it out for geocaching. The nice thing about her Garmin, is it speaks the name of the street to turn TT, is 1 year old, and only says " turn right" or whatever. I know 1st Sgt would have loved if my TT said the street name, because as he will attest...when it said "turn right"...I turned right...right at that second! As, 1st Sgt is holding on for his life and screaming..."it said in 500 yards...that was not 500 yards, 500 yards is a football field!" Okay I loved that feature. My TT has a bar screen at the bottom, when you are in walking mode...kinds lets you know if you are getting closer to the cache. Hers got better the more she messed with it, but... I think I like the TT better. Her walk screen showed the river, which I DEFINATELY needed when 1st Sgt "STOLE" that cache from right under me...just because HE was on the correct side of the creek. I will probably be 90 years old, and still remember that beaver dam incident.

But, the I-Phone is really second to none! That little sucker can put me RIGHT ON! And now that I can actually read, to a degree, the coords...even a bouncing satellite won't throw me off.
The down side to it all, is that geocaching with the I-Phone can drain your battery so fast! Especially when we are at a DNF for over an hour, just because it is the Alphabet man's...we think we gotta stay and look forever!

So, that is my decide. Potstirrer thinks she is going to "save up" and get a pre-loaded geocaching Garmin. In the meantime...she will be off to visit her family...and at least know what street to turn on!

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