Friday, January 8, 2010


Well the new Year has started out on a freezing note! Couldn't get any "takers" for a first-cache-on-the-first-day thing. I decided to stay in play with the Tom-Tom...after that whole Black Friday thing...I decided it really CAN do better, if I just knew how to use it! Spent part of the day reading my new Idiot's Guide to Geocaching. Actually a really good book. I think I needed this 6 months ago! I didn't take the title personally, due to the fact that this was written before "me"...but I am sure it was written, because of the "me's" !!

We had a heat wave...with the temp going up at least 10 degrees, so that is when I decided it was time! Had some errands to run, so on the way home I decide to stop and get a cache. I have been passing this spot for some time, knowing a cache was I guess it takes 10 degree weather to talk me into stopping!

The front seat was piled high with some heavy gloves. I was ready! Of course, when I actually get there, I decide to just jump out and grab this one! With the car running... like someone will steal the car ( ?) ... and I really was going to need that warmth when I got back! The nice thing about caching in the the previous cachers footprints!! Of course, if they know where they are going it would probably be better. Got this one without too much trouble, walked a few circles myself, just to throw the next guy off. When I got out of the car, I knew I really had about 100 feet to get there ( hence, the no warm clothing) but I did take my pen, my I-phone and my compass swag. Never really considered the pen not working with the whole freezing deal. And if you never realized this before, think about it now... when a pen doesn't write... we always just write bigger and it works. So, after the 4 line hand shaking signature ( sorry 'bout that) ....I snap a photo and trudge back to the car.

My first cache of the new year. My mind is already on overdrive. I really need to figure out how to get this done. Hey, I couldn't find some of these , when the the temps were do-able, the trails were open, and the neon sign was flashing . So, winter may be a challenge...but what the heck, it is not like I will be too busy mowing the grass!

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