Tuesday, August 18, 2009


It seems like it has been forever, since I have been caching. So, I guess I will just give you some updates!

I was reviewing the logs of some of the caches we "didn't find" and see that on the same day we were standing on the street corner for over an hour, some one ELSE "found it" and then goes on to log an easy cache! WHAT!!! You have to be kidding!!! I mentioned it to the pot-stirrer. I can not even print her response here!

The cache for the "cannon" was logged by the owner, as being replaced. Hmmm...so that probably means it was NOT there, the whole time. Of, course, 1st SGT thinks it is in the missile! I am going to have to talk the pot stirrer into going back to check that one!

Big Sis, did get a GPS unit, not within the time frame , or the store, that 1st SGT and I bet on, but she did get one!

Second Sis is coming to visit ( from the hippie state) sometime in October. She wants to go geocaching! But... ( hang on) she is bring MA!! OMG!

Big Sis came for a visit, brought along her GPS so we could go caching ( after I set it up for her) Well, I really can't comment on the whole day, but when she left , I noticed she left me her whole geocaching warehouse....bag, containers, swag, pencils, buttons, note pads and a couple of caches ( pre-made, ready to place) She did take the GPS ( to sell on e-bay) and even though she says " I am done!" I hope she will still cache with me some day, but more important, that she laughs about this some day !!! :)

1st SGT has found all the caches, on his island, and has sent out a travel bug in honor of Goldy ( final destination....here) I, in turn, have sent out a travel bug with a final destination to him. Hopefully the travel bugs have 1st SGT and Goldy's sense of direction.

The pot stirrer is vacationing in another state, but promises to go caching, when she returns. The ticks and skeeters should be at a minimum by then.

I am still waiting for the movie deal.

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